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Dream it. Build it. Live it.

Temeritee Corp. delivers professional apps at an affordable price.

The majority of those completing work for us are students and recent graduates, showing our strong support for the next generation of technological thinkers. 

This is good for students expanding their craft and good for our clients as we are able to offer apps are more affordable price points.

Speed & Security

Flexibility & Scalability

Professional results

Custom onshore software development at an affordable price.

You have a great idea and we can build it. We support students in design and software engineering to bring you a great app at an affordable price point. Experienced software professionals add their expertise too to ensure a high quality app. It's a win-win-win.


What We Offer

We're with you every step of the way, from ideation to release and beyond.


We can help bring your big ideas to life with beautiful designs with everything from simple wireframes to detailed Figma's completed with clickable prototypes so you can really sell your idea.

Note: We offer design services even if you aren't ready to build!


We'll deploy sharp students and recent graduates to implement your design into a fully-functioning, customer worthy app suitable for your business.


Releasing your app can often be as hard as building it! We'll help you through the process of deploying it and making sure it gets included in major app stores (if applicable).

Monitor and update

We want to make sure you are set up for success, so we'll help you set up world-class telemetry to monitor how things are going. 


We can even help you keep an eye on things and make updates if needed.

Pros with you every step of the way

Temeritee is run by seasoned software professionals. We have experience building and releasing software to millions of customers around the world. 


We want to do everything we can to help make your app a success after it has been released, so we'll speak up if we think you might want to consider a different approach.

An app fit for 2023

Apps can be built many ways. Let us build one for you that gets you started off right.


We use modern frameworks and patterns to build your app, like Flutter for cross-platform development.


We're living in a complex internet security environment. Helping protect against this is baked into our development process.


We avoid using "monoliths" and leverage microservices for better app architecture.


We leverage the latest tools like  to manage work and organize code using Git. This allows us to test changes quickly and gives you access to your code at any time.


If your app goes from little app to big app you could have big problems. We help to avoid these by working with you on a design that can meet your needs now and later.


We're often thinking about the time after your app is built and released. We know you'll want to be able to gain rich telemetry that makes you make decisions and act on them quickly.

How much is it going to cost?

We know it can be hard to know exactly what you want before you get started, and sometimes conditions in the market or your business change, forcing you to redesign your app along the way. That's real software development. We charge hourly to give you the flexibility you need.


Our price is a little more than off-shore developers and much less than traditional on-shore developers.


Don't get fooled by websites stating you can get an app for a few thousand dollars. These may be very basic apps (informational only) or with some serious limitations. We can build everything from simple to complex and our pricing beats typical on-shore development costs.

Outsource your app development to Temeritee Corp. to get your concept to market and help the next generation of students further their craft.


Dream it. Build it. Live it.


100 N. Howard St.

Suite 4068

Spokane, WA, 99201

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© 2035 by Temeritee Corp. 

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